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Desert Island

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moonraker558 | 23:39 Fri 20th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Which ABer would you most like to be shipwrecked with on a desert island?


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Terrific. This freedom of speech thing is working out really well :-/
Excellent jno.
I blame moonraker558 ;-p
cheers hopkirk the builders torch ran out of batteries hours ago
I blame Tony Blair.
Question Author
Why blame me. lol
And Gordon Brown and Peter Mandelson. ^^

Off to bed, Goodnight all x
Nighy AOG.
To me AOG is anotheroldgit.

Are they related?
Hi and bye gran, sweet dreams♥ I pity the poor beggar who gets stuck with me on an island. Why would it be so crucial to escape - lots of you seem to love the sun and sea of far away places - you might become a lotus eater!
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Aye ooop he's back... fully refreshed and raring to go...
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Now you know he's lying.... Imagine me trying to work a video camera.
''Why do you hound me snags?''

Because you're 'special'...
And Nighy is an actor, Hopkirk. But one reads CD's posts for the poetry, not the orthography.
Why thank you very much jno... And I absolutely did not have to look the big word up either.

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