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Has anyone??????

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TWR | 10:40 Sat 21st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Although I do not come onto this side a lot there is one thing that I have noticed? there are very good Qs & Ans from a lot of good, kind hearted people, & there are a lot on here, there is one thing though? I have never unless I have missed it, has anyone ever said thank you to the Editors for a good, Clean, entertaining Re/ The Answerbank site?


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Bobjugs thanked the Ed and all the members of this site for introducing us. lol
you may have missed it, I can recall many threads congratulating the Ed on cleaning up the site.
Yes I did. I sent him an email.
I take the credit for that NoM :-))))
I also sent the Ed a "well done" email.

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