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Smells that remind you of childhood

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mrs_overall | 15:39 Sat 21st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
For me it is Germolene


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perm solution, my mum was a hairdresser.
Creosote (when my dad used to primes the garden fences), St Bruno tobacco, Cap Guns (smell after you cracked one off lol!), cakes baking in the oven, coal burning (a rarity these days).
oh yess! cap guns!! gosh theres a step back in time that one is!

you used to buy little reels of the stuff didnt you, red they were, in little round cardboard cases... and if you werent using them in the gun, youd lay strips of them out on the pavement and crack them off! lol with a stone or a brick! :o)
Smells that remind me of childhood are

....brandy balls, brylcream and fresh hay
Medicated shampoo
lifeboy carbolic-brylcreem-syrup of figs
oh....and the sweet pink medicine that we used to get as kids....
Baking bread.............wash day.........and Vosene..
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Looby i hated cap guns...
Year ago no-one had invented air fresheners ...........................................
lol Butch - you've just reminded me of two old ladies I used to visit after school...
one used to give me 'boiled' sausages with mash...... and the other used to give me buns with about an inch of butter on them....ugh ugh ugh
they used to put the frighteners up me too poodi.

mrs dawson at no 56 eh butch?? .... sounds a bit ..ominous .. lol

vosene .. gosh yes ..tall green tapering bottle?
Sherbert lemons - and the mixture of oak panelling and books in my school library.
Sherbert lemons,rhubarb and custard sweets...
sweet peas, my nan and grandad had a garden full of them, they only lived over the road and my Grandad used to keep my constantly supplied with a bunch of them for my bedroom all the time they were in flower :-)
Any baking smells. My Mum was (and still is) a great cook.
Marmite my ultimate comfort food
My mum's Chanel No. 5

BTW talking of catalogues, does anyone remember the shiny pink bras and corsets in the Ambrose Wilson catalogues in the in 1950/60s? The lady who kept our ice-cream shop was a Large model, often had her picture in the catalogue smiling in her shiny pink gear. After she lost the contract they still showed her pic but only from the neck down.....

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Smells that remind you of childhood

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