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I need a 10 letter word, ending in 'ism' that means 'matter of fact approach to dealing with problems'?

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cribstarboot | 09:41 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | Adverts
8 Answers
I need another 10 letter word, ening in ;ism' meaning belief in more than one God.
I need an 8 letter word, ending in ;ism;, meaning belief in the worst of others.
I need a 13 letter word, ending in 'ism', that means extravagent behaviour showing off.
I need a 9 letter word, ending in ;ism', that means Co-existence of several ethnic & religious groups in society. And finally, I need a 9 letter word, ending in 'ism', that means A marked peculiarity of individual style or manner?
If you can give me those answers, I would be eternally grateful.
Thank you very much


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A marked peculiarity of individual style or manner -Mannerism
belief in more than one God.- Polytheism
meaning belief in the worst of others -Cynicism ?
The first one is, I suggest, Pragmatism.

4 is Exhibitionism.

With EGTB's answers, that seems to account for all but the last one...
Clearly, Liz doesn't believe any of our suggestions....

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I need a 10 letter word, ending in 'ism' that means 'matter of fact approach to dealing with problems'?

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