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Does anyone know where I can get

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Kathyan | 08:22 Sun 22nd Aug 2010 | DIY
3 Answers
some shower clips to hold the fascia on our shower? We had some but when we had the leak in the bathroom the plumber took them when he left! As I don't want to have him back I need some more clips. I have looked on the internet but they all seem to come in the easy plumb kits and don't appear to be sold on their own!


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were they your clips he took? If they were, phone him and ask for them back!!
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Yes they were mine, but if I phone him to ask for them back, he will want to come and put them on. I don't want him in my house again and I'm not good with confrontation!
Ask him to leave them through the door in envelope, as you will probably be out, but you need the spares.
Alternatively, email manufacturer for parts .. They will probably send you some in jiffy bag.
What make and model of enclosure?

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Does anyone know where I can get

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