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To all you kids who don't get multiple A*'s

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Bbbananas | 08:33 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Don't worry.... Brilliant exam results do not always a successful person maketh...


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Even though I won't show my name, it'll be hard for me to cheat, seeing as i've already told you what subject i've done and i don't think anyone else picked the same four optional subjects.

If I hadn't of told you, I could just photograph someones paper who got straight A*s . ..
Well noone that I know of from my year group has.
Sals ... that is the classic picture of Audrey.

I have 2 B&W prints on my wall of Audrey and Marilyn, side by side.I love the contrast between the glitzy one and the cool one. They are complete opposites, and yet so similar.

Both rebellious, both insecure, both carefree anti-establishment, both beautiful man magnets, and yet ... they could not be more different.

Glitz v Style.

I love it.
Very true ummmmm, I work with a lot of foreign staff that's have left their countries and families to come here and earn money.

I'm not putting people down with my comments, I'm just saying that money doesn't actually buy very much in the grand scheme of things.

It breaks my heart when I see what these young girls go through, they come hear to work every possible hour, they live on the bread line and penniless so they can send all their money home for their families, sometimes not even seeing their own children for 12 months at a time.

I cant help thinking that their children would be far happier with their Mum at home.

Different lives, different cultures etc.
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JJ - That is myself and Lil. She's Marilyn, I'm Aud.
<<Don't worry.... Brilliant exam results do not always a successful person maketh..<<

Maybe! maybe! I note you have inserted the adjective "brilliant" which trumps my next remark.

Today without good exam results one is really struggling for employment, even with good results one still may struggle.

My definition of success is one who works and provides for his or her family.
Well, I'm glad you're Audrel, Sals.

Who is "Lil" ?
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Sqad - I agree with you - see my earlier posts about my children & family.

JJ - Who Is Lil? Have you been asleep woman? My sidekick. She is the infamous blonde who has a bladder problem and I have often talked about her on here.
I know you weren't putting people down. I've been like you....I've made lot's of money and I've also had times when I've struggled. I've also learnt that money doesn't make you happy.

I just think people who struggle find that concept hard to believe.

If you're happy a few spare quid is a bonus....
** crestfallen **


I haven't been paying attention.

Well, infamous blonde? ... born to be Marilyn, then !
My son gets his GCSE results at 12noon today - hes only is Y10 and has taken about 5 subjects - not done much work for them but thats boys for you!! These then count towards the final GCSE next summer
I'm dreading 12 o'clock :( x
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Black Dress. Slave to Love. I didn't need a degree to do that extremely successfully.
I shall say no more.
There was an article in the Mirror yesterday about Gary Linniker's son who didn't get the grades in A Level that he wanted. Instead of doing his revision he was off gallivanting in nightclubs and at the World Cup with his dad.
They both seemed to blame the £25000 a year school rather the lack of hard work for his results.
"I did well in exams (mostly due to a good memory & no nerves rather than a vast amount of work & effort....)" Me too Salla!! Very little work or effort!
But I have worked hard and conscientiously in all the jobs I have had throughout my long working life!

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To all you kids who don't get multiple A*'s

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