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joggerjayne | 16:53 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
The best tinned tomatoes are, of course, Napolina.

Costco had the today at £5.49 for 12 cans ... that's less than 46p each.

That's very good value, isn't it.


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thats what I thought too poodi
Lidls' are as good as Napolina imho.
Agree lottie,i get mine there...
Question Author
Yes, I suppose you're right about Costco cards, Poodi.

But most people know someone who is in a business of some sort. You can get "additional cards" issued on the account.

I didn't know you could get tinned cherry tomatoes.

You see ... this thread is educational, as well as socially significant.
according to the site they are all photo cards
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They are, cazzz.

You stand on the yellow line, and they scan your photo onto a plastic card.
I am entitled to three additional cards with my membership, all of which I've given to relatives.
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Mine have just gone to friends, society.

I'm a bit thin on the ground, relatives wise.

I'd give one to Olive, but the furthest she ever travels is to a place called "Somerfield" on the road out of town.
tinned tomatoes are a very useful addition to any caravan food store ;)
i bought a tray of valfrutta chopped tinned tomatoes myself from costco only last week. didn't notice the napoliwhatsit ones.
here's another variety of caravan for you to peruse jj:

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