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Texting using a Samsung mobile phone...

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sandyRoe | 14:16 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | Technology
5 Answers
How do you find the characters such as @, +, ., on a Samsung mobile phone?


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I have a touch screen samsung tocco and where the Ab is below the 0, click that and go to symbols
On my Samsung E250.
In text mode press the figure 1 repeatedly
for @ and press the 0 repeatedly for +
the full list for figure 1 is
. ,- ? ! @ : ( ) / and 1.
for letter 0
+ = < > Euro £ $ % & and 0
I have to hold down the # key on my Samsung phone. Don't just press it, press and hold.
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Thank you all. Got it now.

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Texting using a Samsung mobile phone...

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