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if you could have witnessed 1 event in history....

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stokemaveric | 18:00 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
which 1 would you have like to have seen???


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Thanks although lots of children have gone missing and never been found and never really been in media, like this little boy
only 1

The building of the pyramids ?
sandy....."my sins?".......blimey I don´t think that I will bother turning it mandatory?
Too many, too the inundation of the Black Sea by the rising waters of the Med (the origin of the Noah's Flood story?) Hang around the city of Ur during a Moon festival about 3000 BC? Visit Carthage before the Romans got medieval on it? Watch Vesuvius do its stuff in 79 AD? Walk round Londinium in about AD 500 and see just what's occurring. Still not enough.
Oh hey, what about hanging about in the crowd for a few days in Roman Jerusalem about 33 AD while some convicts got theirs.....
No. If you don't want to attend the weigh in you can voluntarily go down for a eternal swim in the lake of burning fire and brimstone mean forced to read threads on CB for eternity?
No. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. Even Old Nick wouldn't be that cruel.
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// only 1

The building of the pyramids ? //

Question mark in wrong place

only 1?

Building of the pyramids
!966 World Cup Final
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Attn steve5.
Like you,saw it at Wembley.As you say,never to be forgotten and the way it looks at present,never to be repeated !
Doc got in before me !! Evil personified (not you Doc XXX)

I cant wait for the day Mugabe becomes a statistic in history -another thread -soon I hope.

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if you could have witnessed 1 event in history....

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