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How are your choppers?

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scotman | 19:34 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I had my annual check up at the dentist today. Quick scrape and polish and out. No treatment needed, again. WAAAAAY HAAAAY. I'm off for a sugary snack to celebrate.


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Reminds me, I've got to go next month.
Got to go for a check next month but not expecting any problems as I'm 62 and I've only ever lost one tooth and that was playing Rugby
My first bicycle was a Chopper.
I don't have any choppers.
I do have a selection of hacksaws and screwdrivers.....
I haven't been to a dentist since 1990.
Have an enormous fear of dentists (so has my wallet)..Just make sure I look after them and the only two times I had bad tootache I pulled them myself :-)
I had a weekend appointment with my Lady Dentist and she reckoned my Chopper was in good nick ...:-))
I went today too, quick scrape no polish though :( but I got 2 xrays instead - said I was due for them?? Never had them before!
Good. I've not had any work for quite some time. Always go every 6 months. I drink fruit juice through a straw and chew a bit of "Orbit" after each meal. Clean them twice a day.

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