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good night

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berniecuddles | 22:41 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
too all abers see you in the morning(5.00am) xxxx


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Goodnight bernie x
Night bernie,i have a wee bit of a lie in,on backshift...
Hi Poodi, enjoy your lie in!..................Hope you're good!..........
Good night, and good morning, and a very good day tomorrow to you Bernie.
May not get the chance to come on tomorrow.
Okey dokey,gots lots of work to present for my supervision next week at work,have i done it,will i do it not on ure nelly,ok then will pretend i have done something..
You'll not see me at 5am! Not unless I'm still up....

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good night

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