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mrs_overall | 11:38 Wed 25th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
To answer your questions:
Yes, eldest son in now in year 3 at Leeds Uni medical school.
No, he is no longer a Goth (although he may revert on 31st October). He finally took heed that he was harming his career prospects dressing like a total d*head.
He is home for 2 days - I think he ran out of clean clothes. He has taken to wearing a kilt & looks ridiculous but his friend has let slip it is a temporary fashion aberration as he has had a piercing in a sensitive area.I found an article he'd cut out about someone dangling a calor gas cylinder from a genital piercing. What is he thinking of????
I have no idea how he is doing as he tends to grunt rather than converse with me, and he hasn't sufaced from his bed yet.
He is still an idiot.


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Sounds lovely - I'd rent him a room !
Mrs O he sounds a wonderful individualist who by the time he is 40 will probably wear a suit to work and drive a've obviously done a great job....
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..and there are no undies in amongst his dirty washing, so I know he's going commando.
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rowan, thanks for your comments.
I don't know if you have been on here long enough to have read about some of the stunts he has pulled over the years, but others will affirm I should be as grey as one of John Major's suits by now.
BTW I love him to bits & am dead proud of him - all 6'5" of him!
Hi mrs overall sounds a typical student...
Love it....hope he really knows how lucky he is.... oh silly me of course he does....there will be a lot on here will envy that relationship...
Ólive...thanks for the update,,,,,has he started on the wards yet?
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Bloody typical man - Sqad chases me all around AB asking the same question, then clears off when I give him the answer!

I'm off now for a wonderful (not) arvo out with Mr O & our 2 youngest to an agricultural show. Can't wait. xx
rowan.....<<<suit to work and drive a volvo.<<<

A volvo?...Top of the range Mercedes.
i love him
I was referring to the tendency for young rebels to become conservative with a small c although judging by the consultants car park here...Jaguar is making a huge comeback along with maserati...and aston martin....

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