At work today management were told of the decision on our payrise, apparently the cost of living increase this year set by the government is 4%, we're getting a 1% rise, from March 1st next year and not backdated. the part-time staff and students etc, are going to get a 2.2 % cost of living rise this october AND a 1.5 % rise next march, what the hell is that all about? I don't tend to understand finance and stuff, but why should a part-timer who works 20 hours a week sitting at a till get a rise like that when i work my @:elbow off running the bloody place??? beggars belief. I'm in the union and so i;ve emailed them to ask what the hell they have negotiated!
No tambo, that's how it;s done in large companies, with 400 stores around the Uk there's no other way of doing it and the union is always consulted by the HO, mind you we weren't consulted by the union saying that,