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Im Late - had to pacify an Octogenarian Roadhog.

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Bbbananas | 09:18 Thu 26th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Idiot. You do not pootle along on a motorised lawnmower in the middle of the road down a winding country lane & not expect to be hit from behind, do you? Especially if you're 80+ and deaf as a post. And it's pouring down with rain.

And you don't then blame the puddles & the poor stricken woman that goes into the back of you, do you?

Well he did. And he was a patient - next thing you know he'll be sueing for whiplash - I think I ought to get in there first.


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Have you had a crash Salla?
oh dear not a good start to the day - for either of you
Question Author
Stupid bloody old man. I mean - as if you can cut the lawns in this damn weather anyway? (I think he was on his way to his mates to imbibe of the old malt whiskey...) Well, that sure stopped him in his tracks....

Morning vibes - when you said you wanted taking from behind - how was I to know that was NOT what you meant ?!!! ;-)
Question Author
Sorry - I meant sqad asking to be taken from behind. I get confused with you two (!)
Ahh the old Sallas is back...thank heavens
Question Author
Not quite rowan - I'm not making anything smutty out of it...

(Anyway - 80, deaf, drunk & stupid? Nah....)
A motorised lawnmower... Does that count as a invalid carriage in Lincs, or is it the normal mode of transport for the retired?
I keep telling my Dad he's gotta stop driving!
Question Author
They ride around on all sorts here carrust - usually tractors, but lawnmowers will do as you can't lose your licence for drunk driving. Although my Uncle Maurice got done once for being drunk in charge of his bike - but he got off somehow (he's a Mason - very funny folk....)
Boadicea used a chariot, Salla!!! LOL
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Ooh, I could be Boadicea - if I could wear armoured breast plates and have a spear....
You'd scare Boadicea sh1tless salla.LOL
Question Author
Nah - I'm not scary at all in real life carrust. In fact I would say I'm a pussycat - well I would, but........
morns salla and all who sail in her:-0)
you'll have some peace today, got piles!!!!

of ironing ,,ha-ha

tell Vibra leggy has posted his email in my post for him (apparently he asked him for it) over on the dark side, have a good morning y'all x
Question Author
You working for MI5 for something bobs - all this coded messaging?!!

Piles eh - painful. Had them once - almost worse than childbirth.
ha-ha, nahhhh
just was asked to pass this on to
probably not the best person to be asked...
but I am kind to animals and people..xxxx
no codes pet, we just agree to disagree, me and vibes (I care for him deeply really..)
Question Author
I think he's ace. Or a jack. With aspirations to being a King - in which case I might agree to be his Queen, if he plays his cards right ;-)
goforrit kidda,,,sqad may be peeved mind

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Im Late - had to pacify an Octogenarian Roadhog.

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