I have a birthday coming up in October. The BF can't think what to buy me - I'm thinking along the lines of a week away in a boot camp somewhere nice (Spain would do, though it's more likely to be this country...)
Anyone know of any reputable ones? I don't want some military-style one where they shout at you til you cry - I don't want it too harsh cos of my heart which is not as strong as it should be, and I want plenty of food & wine in the evenings...as a reward. Just one where the camaraderie is good, the instructors are nice & where I can drop at least one dress size and inches of fat.
Ooh, chuck, vaseline - of course, why did I not think of that. We will have lots of pressure sores and friction burns. And a little extra lubrication comes in handy for all sorts of things... One big economy tub - that'll sort us all out. Wash fingers first though please everyone, before dipping in....