I posted on Bobbis thread and it made me think... who would be the 10 people past or present you'd most want to meet ................... and why is your number one your number one..
I am going to have a think about mine for a while too
1. ....... josephine baker what a truly remarkable woman the first strong role model for black woman to be accepted in a white dominated society, rags to riches story and the original angelina jolie !!!! adopting 12 children
2....... jean harlow who died way before her time
3..... marilyn monroe.... find out what really happened to her?
4............ rudolph valantino.... the very first heart throb
5................ yule brinner... fab actor not much is known about his personal life
6...... james dean... so sexy it was a joke xx
7...... my great great gran who was truly a remarkable woman !!! totally blind and raised 11 children after being widowed in her 30s
8....... hitler just to ask why he was such an oxygen thief
9...... winston churchill what a brilliant mind he must of had
10... queen elizabeth the first...girl power indeed !!!
7..... my gr
In no particular order...
Jane Austen,Luisa May Alcott and Charlotte Bronte
Queen Victoria
William Wilberforce-a leading figure in the abolitionist movement in the 18thc
Abraham Lincoln
Jane Goodall
David Attenborough
Nigel Slater
Billy Connolly
Oooh, good question, and not that easy to pick 10 people.
1.Ayrton Senna ( I am a big F1 fan).
2.Elvis Presley.
3.Vincent Van Gogh (just so that I could watch him paint).
4.Freddie Mercury.
5.Cleopatra (just to share her bath).
6. Nelson Mandela.