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What singer (and his/her songs) makes you feel horny....

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Bbbananas | 15:15 Thu 26th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
I don't mean you necessarily fancy the artist themselves, but what their songs 'do' to you.

Me? Prince. He's a bit of midget & I don't fancy him in the slightest - but put his Cream, or Peaches on and I'm away......

Perfect pelvic-muscle clenching music too, which also has a beneficial effect.


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He can be quite suggestive, for a barking mad hairy fat man.
"Quite" is putting it mildly, salla...
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I would do anything for love, but I won't do THAT.........

I used to think the 'that' must be something pretty disgusting or illegal, til I listened properly.
FGTH - Relax
Bryan Ferry - he can clench my pelvic muscles any time

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