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Its good to be a man because..............

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RATTER15 | 23:27 Thu 26th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
No shaving below the neck.
we know what way to turn a screw
we can change a light bulb
We don't need to worry about getting a reputation as being a slapper
We can parallel park our own car
we don't have to change our underwear every single day


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why wouldn't you change your underwear every day? It's not like you're going to wash it yourself.
Correct you on your first statement alot of men do...
Ooh Rat ..

You trying to start a big thread? lol
I don't need to shave below the neck either
I can turn a screw the right way
and change a light bulb
I haven't been round the block enough to be called a slapper x
Underwear? What underwear?
My wife is the best driver I know. She could reverse on to a tanner.
The downside of being a man:
Having to be shaved 'below the neck' for certain medical procedures
Never being able to get a screw
Not listening to the women who point out that we wouldn't need to change light-bulbs so often if we didn't buy them at '6 for a quid' from market stalls.
Never being able to find a slapper when we want one.
Regarding parking skills as something worthy of esteem.
Permanently having underwear in our drawer which has an age which is equal to our age minus 18.
do you wear Speedos on hols
I've not taken a proper holiday since 1989 but, on the rare days when we get some really warm sunshine in this country, I don't wear speedos (or anything else) on the beach, 'cos I'm a naturist ;-)

BTW: When I entered your name above I originally mis-typed it as 'Boobisox'. Perhaps that was because of that damned avatar of yours? ;-)
Men are so vain my brother in law reckons he still has the same swimming trunks since he was a lad. Yck what with that and his comb-over.

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Its good to be a man because..............

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