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re- good morning all thread today

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berniecuddles | 10:46 Fri 27th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
just got in and hamster didnt make it poor thing all huddled up in the corner dead.
havent told the wife yet shes at work she will be upset, called it her little baby had it since it was born, wet tail is a killer in little animals theres not a lot you can do when they get it so sad!


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So sorry Bernie. Poor little hamster. But he obviously had a life with everything a hamster could desire.

Salla, the cat thing is getting a bit boring now. We know you don't like cats!! ;o)
Sounds really bad.

I am sorry to hear this.

Will you get another hamster??
aw im sorry to hear about the little hamster bernie ...

i once had a hamster when i was little, jarvis was his name, lovely little thing, a teddy bear sort, all big and fluffy..
thought the world of him i did, played and cared for him every single day ... he was my mate ..
anyway, one cold and wintery night, i was sitting there, fondly watching him tanking round on his wheel, showing off, going like the clappers...
when all of a sudden, a heart attack struck..!
literally, it flung him into a backwards flip, landing stiff, on his back, in his little cushioned blue sandwich box of a bed! ..
we instantly tried to revive him by rubbing his poor lifeless chest..
but ... sadly, it was no good, poor ol jarvis had left us! ..

tut .. i was only 10 ... i cried for days....

we laid him to rest and had a quiet little buriel service in the back garden the next day, just family it was, we didnt want a big affair...

RIP jarvis, god bless,
and may you look after bernies wifes hamster, up in the big hamster cage in the sky .... ;o/

someone, pass me a tissue can you please ... snifff .....

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