in Newham. So would you prefer them to be dispersed more widely around the country, which would greatly decrease the Newham figures while marginally raising everyone else's? Or just sterilise them?
Well, look on the bright side: house prices in Newham, if any houses are still available there, that is, should fall considerably. There's always a silver lining, eh?
jake......if there is an increase in population ANYWHERE in the UK it adds to the already overpopulated island.
This leads to pressure on the Health Service, Education and the Transport Sevices.
We need a population increase to pay for the pensions of the elderly. Remember, rather than taking our old in, we normally leave them to freeze to death in their damp flats.
With so many Brits sitting on their obese backsides, hurling chicken nuggets down their engorged throats flicking between Jeremy Kyle and Bargain Hunt, we need hard working immigrants to fund the future pension black hole.