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The stork is near

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steg | 09:37 Fri 27th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
8 mins between contractions
i think today is the day :)


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mor, i think shes having a baby
oops mean ummmm know what I meant..
i hope its a boy or a girl ummmm.
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5 mins now........... thank you all for the good wishes etc, do not know the sex of baby yet
i need a coffee lol
Don't have too much steg - your hands will be shaking that much with the caffeine, you'll be in danger of dropping the poor thing. Oh, you lucky man, in a few hours' time you will be holding your first grandchild. That will be so lovely x
So do I do I...!
Fingers crossed for you Steg and your daughter.

As others have said, it's great being a grandparent- they cry, fuss alot, you get tired, send them home, it's fantastic!
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lol, i wanted a triumph bonnie but a boy or girl will do fine :)
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thanks Boo,
i think i'm very excited
I was when mine came along, it really is brilliant, well...apart from making you feel about 80 anyway :-)
Morning BOO, how's your little one doing Any more photos for us?
I've got a couple Mazie yeah, i'll put em up later if there's no news form Steg, dont want to steal his grandad thunder :-)
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post them please Boo, i want to see xx
ummmm Its probably a baby, It won't be a puppy - or a kitten - I hope. Tee-hee

0OOOOooooooo its sooo exiting, its going to be a fab day for you Steg.
Friday August 27th 2010

I dont' think anyone could steal steg's thunder today BOO :o)

(look forward to it x)
is mum in hospital yet steg, and dont wish to sound cheeky but first labours can be unpredictable in that the contractions can decrease,
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not in hospital yet no she only stays about 10 mins away so has to wait till they are 3-4 mins apart
i want it to be today
well ill be loggin in later for an update , good luck
Steg??? Whats happening?? Any news??? xxxx

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