John McCririck is an English television horse racing pundit. He is notable not only for his racing opinions, but his old-fashioned style of dress and mannerisms. He is a UK TV...
i just tried this example, its gone to my hotmail account as a perfect copy, but here ...
Piggy - I have found that when inserting a link it is a good idea to put a big space between the text that you have written, the link and then any following text.
Almost there piggynose, I was on the net for years without knowing how to do it and when I learnt it still took me a while to get the hang of it and now Im addicted so hang in there.
hi again m52, yeh its a bleeding pain in the proverbial. will try again. but dont have much faith, as said b4, it seems i´m cursed on this site, as have no probs elsewhere
Piggy if you have a mac then just click the mouse go over the line/paragraph to highlight what you want copied and press "Apple and c" to copy
You then go to where you want the line/paragraph pasted and press "Apple and v" to paste it.
if you have a pc you then use "Ctrl and c" to highlight and copy and "Ctrl and v" to paste.