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fao annieasquith

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Sqad | 12:50 Sun 29th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Anne, I have just noticed on thread last night that you got admonished, your wrists slapped for even "daring" to question my qualifications.

You were quite right to do so, as I could be anybody and I didn´t answer your question as could easily have made up a qualification which could not be verified.

Some people can´t stand me, some wouldn´t ask my advice if I was the last person alive, some think me rude, arrogant and sarcastic (all true) but some value my advice.

So don´t worry about your wrists being slapped, just give your opinion as you see it.

Welcome back to AB.


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do you not remember annie from a few years ago/? finethanks?
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dotty.....aaaaargh! yes....the penny has just dropped.......thanks.
have only one point to make then no more thanks, you stated you are medically trained and i see some abers ask for your opinion about medical issues, only this am you told an aber there grandfather probably had cancer, i just find it a bit uncomfortable with your giving advice and diagnosing medical issues on a social networking site, but it truely is none of my business, and if i have annoyed any abers i do appologise and will not but in again.let hope thats the end of it.
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annie......the social networking site has a Health and Fitness section.
The posters ask the question and answers are given.
The only way to avoid this is to withdraw this section and I could live with that.
Why not put your point to the Ed?
not to sure you have absorbed my stated i am uncomfortable with anyone making a diagnosis as you do.and also stated i have no wish to continue with this issue

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fao annieasquith

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