I was interested in your question as you are in the same situation I found myself in exactly a week ago. I had been late, did a pregnancy test and it was positive though the next day i started to bleed so assumed this could be implantation bleeding or a miscarriage. Speaking to the doctor he suggested i go to early pregnancy unit at hospital to have scan and see what they could see. I had my appointment last Tuesday and I was exactly 5 weeks and 4 days but neither the ultrasound or internal could see anything. They did another pregnancy test and it was negative even though i had done 2 tests a week before and third one 3 days before my appointment, it was now negative. The hospital confirmed that I had probably miss-carried but had it not be for doing a test quite early i wouldnt have known. I hope everything works out ok for you but i guess the point of my post was to ask whether the hospital offered to do another pregnancy test?