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Could we have a gay Prime Minister?

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sherminator | 12:38 Wed 01st Sep 2010 | News
39 Answers
Do you think people would let it influence them if an openly gay prime minister was in the running?

how enlightened are we as a people?


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The whole question,depends upon how old you are.
There are a great many people about still,who can still remember,when it was an offence,to be homosexual.
I,without appearing homophobic,would deplore a situation,such as this.

I hope so.It would have been illegal in the 60s and rightly so.
ooOOoo ! (holds up handbag defensively)
Ok seriously - I think it would be fine.
I would be more interested in their policies/manifesto than whether they took it up the gary or flicked beans.
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Why would you deplore it?

what part would you deplore?

"how enlightened are we as a people?"

I would say in general, "very much", but it depends on how old you are, where you grew up, your religious convictions and where you now live.

Those who are young (or youngish) with liberal, left, and those with centralist conservative leanings and who live in cosmopolitan areas with a middling degree of affluence tend to be more progressive in their outlook...more so than those with different socio-economic, racial and religious backgrounds.

There is still huge levels of homophobia amongst young blacks and Asians together with the 'Christian right' (of all shades).
Oh I would love it
Incidentally sherminator, did you realise that the title of this thread reads more like a request than a question?
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Am just curious as to why people think that it would be a good or bad thing to have a gay prime minister!

I don't see how it matters at all!
It doesn't matter at all...
Sherminator .....tot be serious.

Yes we could have a gay Prime Minister.

No, the fact that he was gay would not influence the majority in voting for him.

We, as people in general are more "enlightened " than we have ever been.

Yes, I am homophobic.
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never imagined a doctor could be homophobic?
did it ever affect you dealingwith/treating a gay person?
I practised mostly when being gay wasn´t so obvious, so no, it didn´t affect my treatment.
I also operated on a HIV+ patient, when 2 other surgeons had turned him down.

Look, Sherminator......I am uncomfortable with homosexuality mainly due to my upbringing and certain traditions, but fortunately the likes of me are in the minority and will soon have become no big deal.
I was being historically accurate and serious in my answer tut
Personaly I dont care though I know many who would.

I see the main problem if that person tried to implement policies that were pro Gay.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see
Wouldn't bother me, just as long as they walked straight.
Personally, I think it's inevitable we'll at some point have an openly gay Prime Minister - especially as my generation grows older and raises the next. The degree to which homophobia has receded in this country appears to be quite striking (though naturally there's still a lot of progress to be made here - it'll happen with time).

While I dislike Peter Tatchell's militant obsessiveness, I think it is hard to disagree with the point he raises in Gromit's link - it is valuable to demonstrate that gay people being near the levers of power is nothing new and is inevitable. It's the best way to diffuse the paranoid (which does seem weirdly prevalent among some sections of the right) that gays will seize the initiative and legislate purely in their own interests.
was Heath gay i doubt it, as much as i doubt cliff Richard is, no one AT ALL has ever shown any evidence off any kind regarding the two men
you don't have to have a relationship with another human being to be normal,it is a choice
An openly gay PM will never happen, we'd be the laughing stock of the whole world if it did


I suppose there WOULD be some people who would mock a gay PM, but in alll honesty - who gives a flying toss about them?
Straight or Gay? Not really an issue. But there's one thing for certain, there are loads of MPs who are 'bent', particularly when it comes their expense claims.

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