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Wot - No Good Morning ?

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ttfn | 05:54 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
No waterboatman, no bernie
things have come to a full stop :o(


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Its a small field but a big garden, I could use a plough and get them to pull up the hundreds of small trees I need to cut down. Its not going to be so much of a garden, we actually have taken it on for the dogs , it will be a wild/field/garden. Loads of wild flowers being planted, we are keeping all the established trees and surrounding them with bluebells, daffodils and Lilly of the valley and snow drops etc we will also have a big BBQ area.

When my lovely Carakeel and I get married next year it will be largely held in this garden so that our dogs can also be with us :-)
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Good morning to you zzxxee and jj. Hope the sun is shining as bright for you as it is here
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That sounds idyllic Ratter - the wedding rather than the hard work of course ;o)
Sounds lovely RATTER. I would love to have a wild garden. Too small in this house though :-(
Oh well, time to sharpen chain saw and get to work, catch you all later, byeeeeeeeee
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Enjoy the tea breaks Ratter !
hi all its looking promising ttfn x
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Indeed zzxxee, a warm 22C is forecast so I hope all have a share of it ♥
I love the sound of RATTER's personal wilderness.
So do I Jayne....

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Wot - No Good Morning ?

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