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bras ?

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anneasquith | 08:54 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
should wearing a bra be banned except during pregnancy and breast feeding ? i hate them


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no, but I don't mind if you don't want to wear one!
If you hate them then you have the option not to wear them. I see no reason to make it compulsory, well apart from the pleasure it'd give me in the warmer seasons :-)
don wearone then, there is no bra law saying you have to
ha ha don doesnt want to wear one though. My keys keep getting stuck
You can't ban bras - don't be silly :-)

We all choose whether to wear one or not - it's a free country, free breasts...
I wouldn't let mine loose...
LOL ummmm
jeez i'm let letting these puppies out on their own, i nearly caused a car crash running down the road the other day and they were tucked away then!
of course it shouldnt be banned ..a well fitting bra can be very comfortable.
More comfortable than braless imo...

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