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im going to write my autobiography.....

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stokemaveric | 20:37 Thu 02nd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
anyone want a copy?? cheap at half the price at £24.99.....


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does it have revelations?
It will only be any good if you a) claim that someone else's ideas were your own b) claim a likeness to a dead princess c) are married to a manipulative scheming cow d) stab in the back most of your old colleagues. Then about 2,000 journalists will rush out and buy a copy.
Those would be in the Bible:)
Depends on how interesting you life has been?
Question Author
warts and all on the first page at the moment lol
Are you getting £400,000 advance fees from your publisher?
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ive led a very interesting life maize..i havent got a name for the book yet tho lol
Will the British Legion be benefitting in any way..........?
never thought about it .............................
So have I, but I wouldn't want the world to share it Stoke
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im on the phone at the moment boxy ive just got them up to £3.99....
-- answer removed --
you should write yours ttfn....I'd buy it xxx
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i donate to the british legion every week jack...without fail...
I shall write mine also. It will be titled "Across the Field". In fact, I shall go and do some research right now................Cheers.
Are you now, or have you ever been, a perfidious, war-mongering liar ?
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lol butch....
Stoke you'll have to beef it up a bit, y'know sex and dodgy dealings etc to keep everyone interested. You can run a thread for the best title.

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im going to write my autobiography.....

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