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what does it mean when someone 'pokes' you on FB

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Bobbisox | 13:07 Fri 03rd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
sorry but I haven't a clue and it is desk tidying Friday afternoon on
so it is quiet,,,can anyone tell me?


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I don't know. I get poked so I poke them back. Not sure of the purpose.
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awww...I am disappointed then Butch..ha-ha
just a hello really
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is that all, they could message me in that case, I am not sure if the lady comes in here but I will poke
poke. a paper bag. a nudge with the elbow. usually the rib area.
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ha-ha ouch then anne?
go to the shops and get a poke of sweeties.
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thats a Scottish term isn't it?
that's the sort of poke you get pigs in, isn't it?
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I have never understood that jno
A pig in a poke...what's that all about?
it's a sort of bag, so you wouldn't take the seller's word for it that there was a pig inside it, you'd take it out and have a look first
a poke is or was a sack
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thanks for that folks
well what would be 'Making a silk purse out of a sows ear'
did they cut of the lady piggys ear to make a bag or something
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I've never been poked!
Lol, I saw my friend on Facebook, and they'd had a poke off someone We both know, whose first name is William. When my friend went to poke him, it said 'do you want to poke w1lly?'
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!put that stick down or it will poke you in the eye !

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what does it mean when someone 'pokes' you on FB

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