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The British pub as we know is your local?

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Bobbisox | 13:43 Fri 03rd Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Beer consumption is down to the lowest level since 1948, maybe you will argue thats a good thing?
Who do you think is behind the demise of your local?


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I hate the trendy tubular steel, neon light places, I would much prefer to sit down and have a drink and a chat, in Newcastle they satnd cheek by jowel and 20 deep, wheres the fun in that?
big screens belting out music and girls scantily clad in cages up aheight!
Bitter £1-75 lager £2 and we turn a blind eye @ the smokers in the room if they stop coming in, it would shut.
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where is this reefer?
sounds good to me
Bobbisox as somebody else has already posted in the evening the doors are closed and regulars only that way the council inspectors never find the smokers. The people get a nice pint at a decent price and you can now get 4 people to have a game of cards. The smoking ban has had the biggest effect on pubs ever.
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so it's a secret location eh?
who said we live in a democracy?
Some of the pubs in the town centre do the same at eleven get any strangers out close the doors and the cigs come out it is the only way to survive with the anti smoking bigots. Where are all these non smokers that were going to come back and fill up the pubs.
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my sentiments exactly reefer :-)
It`s cheaper to stay in and cook a meal, have some wine and a few beers than it is to spend 2 hours in a pub
Especially when my local offy is selling vodka at £6 a bottle Elvis. :-)
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ELVIS there are a lot of people who enjoy the social aspect of a pub, Bill doesn't enjoy drinking in the house, he reckons it is not the same
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Hi Jan x
I won't let my local die..It;s not possible the amount that drink there haha
Hi Bobbi. We've found it's so much cheaper to invite people round now than go to the pub. We take it in turns, going round for a meal and a game of poker or trivial pursuit.
OH is exactly the same bobbi, there is beer in the house but he likes the social aspects of the pub
Yeh I know what you mean Bobbi, but at £3 a pint, it soon adds up
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I wish Bill would, we tried it and he wasn't enjoying it, me, I would adapt
The pub Mr Helmet likes at the moment (good choice of beers apparently) is dire on a Friday night. First the campanologists come in after bonging our eardrums to bu**ery for 2 hours with their bell ringing, then the thespians come in after the weekly rehearsal of their latest play. Hate all that posing but he seems to like all that (he always did know how to work a room)

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