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Shrek has bedded a hooker in a 3 in a bed fantasy...

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Bobbisox | 12:23 Sun 05th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
127 Answers
eweeeegh...even for £1200!!!!!
He did this when Colleen was preggas with baby Kai, are these blokes simple?
Don't they realize wannabees will go to the papers and sell, sell, sell to the highest bidder?

There is fast becoming a team of them now, tho' hardly a dream team;0)


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craft.....gambling can be as devastating to the whole family as infidelity. Mypoint...Michael Owen......."people who live in glass houses should n´t throw stones."

cazz....if you are a cheater, you may well think that most other people are may be right and you may be wrong. The true statistics on "cheaters" are hard to elucidate.
Sqad...from experience. Gambling cannot be compared to infidelity. When a loved has a gambling problem (my Dad) family try to support them the best way they can. No one in my family would have supported him if he was a cheat.

You are way off mark with that comparison.
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ummmm.....i respect your point, but do not accept it.

Many women, wives, know that their husbands are cheats but still supports him as if his failing was that of my experience.
How many gambling addicts do you know Sqad?
There you go....don't compare them. Sore subject with me....but my Dad would never hurt a person by being unfaithful. Cheating is like a personal knock on the person you are with. Gambling is a weakness in the person doing it...

Have to go out now (love you sqad...will argue about this tomorrow)

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