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what time is the space startion viewing tonight??

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stokemaveric | 18:14 Sun 05th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
does anyone know???


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dunno where you are, but it's probably going to be too cloudy
8.38 and 10.13 from wsw here in Notts
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Space Station viewing at 8.38pm for 4 mins and at 10.13pm for 1 min. tonight

Progress is still in orbit, the last one is tonight at 8.26 for 4 mins and 10.01 for 1 min.
I still haven't seen Progress by all accounts it isn't as large or as bright as the space station, and it is overcast here, hopefully the sky wil clear later on.
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thanks everyone i will get my binoculars out later lol...
Downloaded the NASA iPad app today. One the options shows the iss moving across a map of the world. You can zoom the map also and moves at speed ...well near on 14'000mph if you have an iPhone or iPad check the apps store . The app if free also.
Spot on ....using the interactive moving map ...saw it fly over was just North of Newbury ...first time I have seen it ....breaks in the cloud ....time was spot on ...
Just went out to look and there were two lights travelling across the sky - almost at 90 degrees to each other - what was the second light?
Would you believe space station stuff, and going to the moon, and stuff like such don't interest me or even never peek my curiosity.

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what time is the space startion viewing tonight??

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