29 A Mortal in a state of confusion -Adonis neary died (5,abb) -andd.
I've seen references to the answer being 'dandd' (DANDD) but I still don't see this properly. I get d +d (state of confusion/drunk and disorderly). I get 'dand' as Adonis almost (dandy, minus the 'y') - but I don't see what 'mortal' is referring to, nor to I see how dandd is the final answer. Anyone got a nice simple way of explaining it to me? Thanks
Ardboe- I feel much more content with my answer now that I know 'mortal' is another word for very drunk, thus linking in with drunk and disorderly, thus linking in with 'D and D',If I'd scribbled my answer down as DandD, I might have accepted it a lot quicker - dandd just looked ludicrous! Thanks.