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Biggest understatement of the Corrie Omnibus....

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Bbbananas | 10:54 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
"I've never really adapted to monogamy"....

(Long-Lost Lawrence to Ken. Like father, like son, like mother-in-law... Hilarious).

I do miss Blanche though :-(


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Coronation Street JJ. It's what we folks watch Ooop Norf....
morning sall x
It's his son in real life isn't?
Its his son in real life salla !

I miss Blanche-she would so have loved this:)
............ and dun souf too!!
Now I feel there is a North/South divide happening on here for which I am not happy about ,<<<<<<<<<<<<<Sniggggggeeerrrrrr>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Yes, he is bobbi. It's quite fascinating to watch.

Blanche is dead, but Deirdre seems to be taking her place with her acerbic wit. When Ken said about he & Susan's relationship fizzling out & being brought to an end, I had to laugh when D snarled "Well, wasn't she the lucky one....." !
Loved it when Deirdre said how thrilling their intelectual conversation was and then said "but what about Dumbo in the corner" to which Ken said that he had told her before not to feel bad that she hadn't been to university, she said "I'm not on about me, I'm talking about the elephant in the room" Brilliant!!
I was going to say that salla -Deirdre has really come into her own of late :)
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Her neck veins absolutely fascinate me.....
Surreal thread of the day !
script-writing at it's best..
better them bloody Sem Mitchelll 'Suthy'
screaming her lungs out to have her baybeeee
and Mummy Mitchelll declaring
OOh, it's a Mitchell boy'
I have given up on Corrie, after watching for many years. Too many silly kids and silly storylines. I think both William Roach's sons will appear in it.
but kids live in streets DSJ, and sometimes they are silly
Agreed Bobbi.

I don't watch Eastenders. Haven't done for about 20 years. Barbara Windsor could never act. She always was just a cartoon character.
I keep exp[ecting her bra to fly into fat pats face at anytime, like the Carry on Camping film, she was friendly with the Krays, says it all
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I don't know how her little legs carry all that boob and hair weight. I keep expecting her to totter over. Give me big ol' Pat anytime, now there's a woman!!!!
I always think that she is the same in real life as she is in East Enders - Brash and loud!
Yer brave today sis, bet you wouldn't say that in London ROFL
oh yes I would, but only if Reggie and Ronnie weren't around..ha-ha
Reg died? or was it Ronnie..

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Biggest understatement of the Corrie Omnibus....

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