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ftao ttfn

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mollykins | 10:43 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Can you please explain?

ttfn Mark as Best AnswerReport This(10:32 on Mon 06/Sep/10)
don't go there ttfn

You said it as if were aiming at yourself . . . . or was it more 'don't go there xx ttfn' ??


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Oh Lord.................. Haven't you anything better to do Molls ?!!
i can explain molly
Question Author
go on . . . .
Just what I was thinking. Get out and enjoy yourself. You will soon be back at school! Make the most of what's left of the summer!!
And I will as you asked so politely. The barrel was firmly pointed at my temple ;o)
Mollygirl, I know you'll miss AB when you start school again.
Will I miss the temple though society?
aye-up, whats this aboot then...
Molly it's a wee bit early for this innit...ha-ha
Or in my case sis - a wee bit late ☺
Step away from the gun Ena.....
Hiya mamya ♥ i am a woman of calibre and a certain bore.
Many a true word spoken in jest.....

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Do you know the answer?

ftao ttfn

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