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clever kid!!

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piggynose | 19:20 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Boy And His Broom An Inspiration To Invention, this is a story from
as usual couldn´t give you the link



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I heard it on the radio this morning, he was on the Today programme, brilliant little kid, just worked it out to help his dad.
piggy, click on the URL - the address at the top of the page, looks like this:


Click on it till it's highlighted (may take two or thre clicks)

click control c

put your cursor in the panel where you're writing

click control v

is there bingo to night ? what time
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Question Author
hey it finally worked!!!!!!!
must try it again with yahoo stories or whatever


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just tried again, disaster, will need lots of attempts methinks till i get it right all the time
yep, I just copied the URL of this page, as an example (and your version of it doesn't work because AB puts ....dots in the middle of it) but you get the general idea. I look forward to seeing your first real link.
okay, I don't think you clicked control v that time. Control c is copy, then control v is paste, and you should see the URL pasted into your text box. AB will convert it into a link automatically. Don't be discouraged - you can do it!
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i just tried it out in sports ab, disaster!!
followed yr instructions to the letter, so i thought i´ll c&p the same story into my hotmail account, perfect, explain that please jno.
i´ll try again couple more times, then call it a day
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heres goes nothing!!

Capello insists Rooney will play

did it work?
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there must be a glisch or simple explanation why this doesn´t work for me. i´m always sending people links in my hotmail accounts without any probs watsoever

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clever kid!!

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