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anyone up for a fight..Purra em Up!

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Bobbisox | 22:50 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I am a tad bored, Bills watching the Bourne Identity..
so come on
Purra em up...Humph!!!!


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lol'd be a pushover.
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Go on
try me, I'm a hard Geordie..
<your'e right crafty tee-hee>
Hi Bobbies.x I was off today and did nothing constructive. All I did today was eat all day and stayed on the computer.
Gerrarta my Puuuub (if I see that clip of film once more, I'll kick the telly)
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ha-ha boxy, she's a bloody tyrant dragging fat fil back to the pab

as long as you enjoyed, society x
im sending eric and vera round
Joy, there was a Geordie ABer who used to post on here, before your time, I think. Her name was chicho,bird2 (named after her second parrot). Used to have me in stitches with some of her posts.

She was (still is?) the landlady of a pub on Tyneside. You sometimes remind me of her. It'd be a hell of a coincidence if she ran the pub where you go for your quiz night. You never know ..... it's a small world!
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theres not many funny people on Tyneside mrs c...<snigger>
Hya Bernie...mwah x
you alright sweetie been a long day xxxx
Question Author
I have had a good few laughs Bernie,,,
good thats what its all about im off to bed see you tomorrow xxxxxxxxx
Question Author
nite Bernie , sweet dreams x

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anyone up for a fight..Purra em Up!

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