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The Walrus -

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Bbbananas | 08:58 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
"Spends most of its day dragging its huge lumpen mass around, foraging for food...."

This latest advert, for Argos, came on tv on Sunday. The BF looked straight at ME and laughed....

And this, dear friends, is what has spurred me on to My Mission.

I did think this was a tad cruel of him, but laughed all the same.


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Hee Hee.
He did try and encourage me to go for the older model.

And your mission is?
Are you sure you were the butt of his joke? Or was he just laughing because it was a funny advert, and looking to see your reaction? :-/
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More fit.
Less fat.

(see my previous post, below).
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It was 'one of those moments' when he was thinking what I was thinking.....!!

I think it was the 'foraging for food' bit that made him think of me. At least I hope it was that, rather than the lumpen mass...
Good for you, Sals. Forca, girl !
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I just hope I keep it up JJ. I have zero willpower and maximum tendency-to-laziness.
What's the plan, Sals?


Home workout?

Running / biking?

More energetic bonking?
Question Author
Hopefully, all of the above.

However, as my thread below says, I have a personal trainer, starting next week. No doubt he(!) will put me through my paces - Gym, swim. I can bike but can't run. Just generally look after myself a bit better. I had my heart op last Feb, but then had a very lazy decadent summer just lounging around reading, eating & drinking, with very little exercise other than sailing.

That will teach me to check other threads first !

I think I bear a passing resemblence to that walrus too at the moment... :-/

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The Walrus -

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