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ABers that 'wurf'

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mollykins | 20:50 Tue 07th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
How many of you ABers wurf, (work and surf the internet, and usually end up on here.) ?????????????????????????


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I used to but I stopped.
Hang on, I'm just finishing a couple of emails.
Did you count how many question marks you used there ? I get told off when i add too many,
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It's one of the nearly words, that's stored in a vault that won't be put into the OED until it is commonly used. http://www.telegraph....ionary-uncovered.html
What do you mean, come on CB while I'm in the office, or do both in the evenings? I couldn't do it at work if I wanted to, social networking sites are banned on our work computers (and quite right too).
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They are at school but I can still get onto AB.
Ah ^^ gone back to the original definition now, didn't spot it on the list - no not me, I'm a home-only ABer.
I am a wurfer!
I am a wurfer....
I never noticed that word in the OED nearly words. We couldn't wurf at work the best we could do was play solitaire or minesweepers. I am at the moment making plans to be ill, (percuperating) or swinging the lead, I feel like a day off, and you can't really do that when you are retired. :-))
You can can have a whole day in your PJ's....dont have a shower and slob out all day....That's what I'm going to do when I retire.... One day a week is going to be "slob-out day" I think it will be a Monday :o)
I LURF, because I'm not allowed to carry my phone. I can't get onto this site though so it's usually Facebook and game downloads.
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With the percuperate, shouldn't it be precuperate instead? That would make more sense.

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ABers that 'wurf'

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