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with the sutle changes on the answerbank layout

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zzxxee | 07:11 Thu 09th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
you would think the ed would of changed the logo pic, hardly summer now
anyone agreee ?, and if so what kind of pic do you think would be a good one to have?.


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As a tribute to Sqad...lingerie blowing on a washing line with autumn leaves swirling around....
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thats a good one i was thinking one with a wind theme !!!!
maybe sallas bum i hear she is pretty good, an expert in fact on wind !!!
That is a vicious rumour.
(Don't let my mother hear it......)
Question Author
ok salla whatever you say honey xxx (giggles quietly to self!!)
We'll change it this afternoon. I'll see if we can find something for early Autumn!
Ed while you're there...I've just mentioned on another thread...

Why do we have big gaps in our posts? Helluva gap between our last word and the date time thingy.
easier to read, B00? I like a bit of space myself. What could happen is the Ed might sell advertising in it and split the revenue with the ABer in question.
That would get people posting :-)
oi Ed-you still there ?
good changes-so they are
Thanks Beejay.

Not quite at a "split revenue" model yet I'm afraid guys.

The space is there to keep things "tidy" for the most part. I think in general we'rem looking much better for a little more white space.

Spare Ed
It's good so far. If you didn't tell me these changes were going to happen I don't think I would have noticed. I would have just been a bit confused...
Question Author
where is this new pic for the logo as promised ??? right ed im off out will be back around 5 ish i want to see a nice autumnal scene ok or em er emmmmmmmmmmmmmm???
your fired !!! lol
Thanks Beejay.

"Not quite at a "split revenue" model yet I'm afraid guys.

The space is there to keep things "tidy" for the most part. I think in general we'rem looking much better for a little more white space.

Spare Ed"

In mempry of Legend lol
^^ memory
Oh dear. Well done though.

i think all that blank space is/was a fair reflection of the poster posting.

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with the sutle changes on the answerbank layout

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