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obscured photos on school website

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mollykins | 15:38 Thu 09th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
As i went onto the school website to try and access my email account with them, i saw that on the homepage, they had photos of students doing studenty stuff like sewing, using the computers, using a calcualtor, science experiments etc.

BUT they were all obscured. Not out of focuse but made so the colours are simpler, if that makes sense. Almost so they look like cartoons.

WHY? Is it so they don't have to have permission off of everyone's parents, or what?


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Were they primary-school students? In that case, they have to use primary colors in the photos.
I work in a primary school and there is a list of names of children whose parents do not consent to them being photographed. Maybe the list in the school you talk about is very long.
Because of paedophiles.
Is the school in South Park ?
Question Author
It's a high school, in suffolk.
Say no more. Suffolk. almost as bad as Norfolk.
As salla said because of paedos but not only that childrens identies had to be obscured should they be in foster care perhaps awaiting adoption.Its all do do with protecting the child against harm..
However they are more relaxed and now as someone said have a register where you have to say if you object.
In your case Molly -i would assume all faces were hazy as they hadnt sought anyones permission for the pics and were using them solely as an example-and that to me is perfectly acceptable -I mean what if you were having a bad hair day -you wouldnt want your pic all over the net !!

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obscured photos on school website

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