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cant sleep loads on my mind

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zzxxee | 01:10 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
and it hasnt helped that at 00.47 am some call centre in bombay has phoned asking if i want a fooking loan !!!!!!!!!


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your very welcome answer prancer xxx
Answerprancer... :-(

Are you ok??
I'm ok Ummmm - just apprehensive, thanks for asking.
Question Author
when i was a care assistant i nursed a couple of ladies whohe pain relief had recieved masectomys the pain relief they have is superb xx
We're waiting for results for the same thing for my Nan. Was suppose to hear today but nothing yet. It's worrying :-(
Question Author
keyboard playing up appologies for last answer i ment to say pain relief is superb
That's nice to know, my Mum is in the Royal Marsden - we (my sister/Dad rest of the family) are hoping that this is one of the best places in the country for the treatment of cancer.
Horrible isn't it Ummmm
Question Author
its reported to be a good hospital i believe
my thoughts are with your nan also ummmm xx
I didn't mean to Fosters all over your thread zzxxee..sorry, I had to say something somehwere.
(that should have read p!ss)
Yes very. She's a wonderful woman and even though she suffers with dementia she's still always smiling. I worry how she will cope if the news is not good as she won't remember whats wrong with her :-(
AP...this is chatterbank. Although not nice for other people to be feeling crap least we know we're not alone.
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dont worry answerprancer it does not bother me in the slightest post what you like xx
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im going to try anget some sleep now night night all xxxx

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cant sleep loads on my mind

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