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moonraker558 | 01:48 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Be happy and content to live on your own, Come and go as you please, Eat and drink when you want, Go to bed then get up when you want, And not to be answerable to anyone anymore, Does that sound good to you? Or do you need someone in your life? To share the everyday things that go with being in a relationship with another person.


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i would be content for a while but i like to share things and give out love to people in my life my partner my kids ect x
I loved living on my own. I say own...I have 3 kids, but that's not the same thing. I'm happy in my own company...and I have enough friends and family around me. (Too much sometimes). I'm also happy living with OH...he's the Male version of me. Except I think he's a bit of a perv..!!
i had time as a single mum also and loved it x
Lived contentedly alone apart from my animals for years now. Go to bed when I like, get up ditto, eat when hungry etc. just have to walk the dogs an feed 'em. Bliss !
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Sounds good to me as well
Yes sounds good. After 32 years of marriage I would love not to have to think of the OH when I make decisions.
i spent 19 yrs alone, was heaven. living with someone now, and its not so good. look 4ward to being alone again one day
I loved every minute of living alone. I had my own house, car, company and essentially did what I wanted, when I wanted.

Now I'm loved up again and looking forward to the future. I don't think being in a relationship means being "answerable" to another person. I think most relationships break down because of a lack of consideration on the part of one or both. My previous boyfriend was not a very thoughtful person - a look-after-number-one type.
I do. And yes, I am happy and content.

(But I do want to grow old with a 'companion' as well as my friends & family).
Right now I would LOVE it,just to go sit on a beach and the sea breeze to blow away my troubles
If only it were that easy beattie....
Do it anyway and try x
I had my own house, car, company and essentially did what I wanted, when I wanted.

NoM - Careful..they'll be coming out of the woodwork..!!
happier alone till the kids come back because they think you need company ahhhhggg
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When I was single I was happy being single. I'm now very happy with the man hostage. I'm happier with the man hostage than I was being single but while single, I wasn't looking for a man hostage as I was quite happy.

I have to work mon - fri so I rarely get to wake up when I want :c(
I live with my girlfriend

I come and go as I please
I eat and drink when I want
I go to bed then get up when I want
I'm happy with my own company for a few days, but then I look forward to having someone around to talk to. It must be awful for the elderly living alone and not being able to get out anywhere.
I lived alone in my twenties and loved every minute of it. I then married and hated every minute. I'm now alone again and it's not as much fun as when I was younger. I would like to meet someone. Since my children went, the house is too empty and I don't get any hugs anymore.

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