If I make fresh carrot & coriander soup today will be ok to leave & re-heat tomorrow?
the reason I'm asking is, I recently made some cauliflower soup & by the next morning it was bubbling ( without any heat under it! ) & fermenting - disgusting!!! Tia
If you leave anything out in warm weather it will start to go off.
Yes-you can make the soup today-but please make sure you refrigerate as soon as it has cooled down sufficiently.
was/is your pan aluminium? it may have reacted with the cauli and any other ingredients. it once happened to me when i made turkey soup in my old pressure cooker (aluminium) and threw in all the leftover veg and cranberry sauce.
The reason you need to cool your soup is not so much to protect the soup it's more to prevent the temp rising in the fridge. If you put anything warm in it will raise the temp in the fridge; if there are any bugs lurking in anything and the fridge temp is too high they could multiply.