Cats moving house in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Cats moving house

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Kit | 21:33 Sun 09th Feb 2003 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
What's the length of a cat's memory? We moved about 4 weeks ago, taking the cats with us, while the house was underpinned. We'll be moving back in about 3 weeks. Will the cats remember the place, even though it will smell different - will we need to keep them inside in case they try to find their way 'home', forgetting they're there already?
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In the past we have left our cat in the cattery for a couple of months and she had no problem when she came home. She recognised where she was at once .... heading straight for the feeding bowl!. I wouldn't worry the cats will settle back as thought they have never been away.
No problem . Cats remember places, hunting trails and the like from sight more than anything else; smell is not very significant to them in recognizing places . Your cats will be on their old 'hunting grounds'. They have enough sense to stick by the person who feeds them, too !
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Thanks for putting my mind at rest - had forgotten what mercenary little blighters they are!
yep, mercenary is what they are! cats know where they have it good, i.e. food and a hug - you won't have any problems!
(Underpinning's a bloody nightmare,isn't it? Good luck!)
My cats appear to have a very long memory. My family (including 2 cats) moved abroad for 3 years and came back to the same house. We used to let them out of a particular window in the kitchen and they remembered! As soon as they got back and had explored, they both went and sat by the same window, just as they had 3 years before.

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