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Bored with these threads, anyone got anything interesting to ask?

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welshlibranr | 21:10 Sun 12th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
It's very boring here tonight, same topics again and again!....Let's have something new folks!...................


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Sorreeeee !


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No need for apologiesl Jayne, but, to be fair it is boring after a while! is it not?..........
Personally, I could talk about ladies bottoms for some considerable time.
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Boxtops, do you not agree? it's so boring here tonight!..........
It's quiet jem, yes I do agree, but I'm doing this as well as something else so I don't really mind.... but I have started the dessert thread for a change!
Welsh ...

There's a book just come out about the Taliban ... who are not as bad as everyone thinks.

Should we swallow our pride, and start discussions with the Taliban ?

Then we could come home from Afghanistan.
yep, just had a browse, making fun of people's body shapes in jeans, how many toilets are in your house and various quizzes, I may not be here long ;)
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well boxtops, I ak doing this and someting else too! but not rivetted to it! ..................a bit boring!.........
we must bring our troops back home immediately, then take the nuclear option, and drop one big one on george bush, preferably when he is enjoying lunch with his fellow warmonger Blair.
I don't think Bush and Blair hang out together any more.
Is it because they daren't I ask?
I really need to know whether Molly has a TV for each toilet, and won't sleep till I find out.
Question Author
Me neither cazz, bed for me now, work tomorrow!...........weekends are so short!...................
No mike we have three toilets and two tellies, non of which are in the same room as any of the others. Sleep tight.

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Bored with these threads, anyone got anything interesting to ask?

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