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Are my symptoms linked?

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Angel_love | 23:39 Sun 12th Sep 2010 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
I have been experiencing servere stomach pain for years which comes and goes daily just below my sternum bone. I often experience grouling noises and soreness in my stomach along with the pains. I also have developed quite dry hair and skin which makes me itchy sometimes, feel very tired almost all the time and get hot sweats on occasion. I'm wondering whether or not these symptoms are linked?


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If you have been experiencing severe stomach pain for years why have you not been to your doctor?
What is your age, are you on any medication etc?
Stomach symptoms and dry hair and skin are unlikely to be linked.

Stomach sympmtoms..if as you say "severe",as trt says why haven´t you been to the doctor???????

Dry skin, tired and dry hair...........underactive thyroid comes to mind.
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Yes, I've been on anti-phsycotics + anti-depressants since about 13yrs old but now I am 23 and living quite a happy life. (I had phycosis and panic attacks when younger but when I came out of hospital went to a good school that helped me.) The symtoms though may be a thyriod or liver problem I was thinking the stomach maybe something different or due to anxiety problems earlier in my life. My nan had an under-active tyriod and diabetes later in life.
You really need to see your gp. Could be ulcer or hiatis hernia. most can be treated with medication and diet but you do need to see your gp. Stress and worry cvauses all sorts of issues so you need proper diagnosis

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