I have two iphones on my account with vodafone. My husband uses one and i use the other. My husbands phone has always had insurance on it until he got the iphone. We thought he had insurance on the phone but doesnt. I however do have insurance on the Iphone I use, which I didnt actually ask for. Its only looking through my statments that we've realised this mistake. Anyway, my husband got his phone wet from a leaky kettle on holiday and now no longer works. Is there a way around the insurance? Could I say I've lost my phone, give it to my husband and i'll get a new one. I know this is morally wrong, and and have never taken or lied about anything (its a karma thing lol) but I really cant afford to buy a new iphone. Please help with any suggestions. Thanks.
the whole world are doing this with insurance fraud and we are payingthe price each time we take a new policy out. They will block the iphone mate but you just hook it to the computer and youtube shows you how to unblock it! Everyone does it!
redcrx- its very obvious everyone does things like this as insurance premiums go up every year even tho you dont make a claim?? So you dont buy knocked off goods if your offered them? you stick to the shop and pay double because i doubt it very much
well yes its obvious that some are doing it, yes, as premiums are increasing. But to actively encourage it? come off it, why would you?
and for the record, i dont think i have bought anything "knocked off" that i am aware of.
must live a very sheltered life lol! i'm only joking hun but if they are going to claim they will anyway and really dont need any reassuring... but i certainly wouldnt ask on here
i wonder if the OP thinks its not a problem if she gets a mojority vote for "yeah, fake a claim" on answerbank.
Charlie, it may also be worth considering that, if the insurer did find out, youd possibly have to declare it on any insurance policy you ever had in future.
perhaps you can see if you can the premiums back if you were payng for insurance that you didnt want and see if that covers a new phone
Hi everyone, Didint expect a little debate to get started! lol. I wrote the question due to my frustrations and wanted to see wht advice people would give. Was actually hoping to get to get some answers the would be legit. Is there a way of getting Iphones fixed after water damage? my friend put hers through the washing machine twice and it still worked after a couple of hours! Hey-ho.
yep as advised above your husband may actually have insurance if thats on your home insurance policy = Ive lost count of the number of people who call up to check their policies and when I inform them they are covered for mobile phone loss/damage etc, theyre a bit annoyed their IFA didnt inform them of that -- or that they didnt actually read their policy
some phones will work, leave it to dry out, depends where the water gets into on the phone boards really. if you have an iphone you should have it jailbroken... get all apps and games free with no itunes acc needed.