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it's midnight,,,I will turn into a pumpkin...

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Bobbisox | 23:00 Mon 13th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
so G'nite folks :-0)


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Night x
Oops too late. She's probably mush by now. Night Bobbi. x
Well I hope I don't after hearing some of the stories what men are doing to pumpkins lately. - YUUKK!! (they drill a hole and - - - - - -)

O jem, surely not.... lends a whole new meaning to Hallowe'en.....
....and on that happy thought, I really must go to bed! Nite all - quiet but good tonight!
Oh boxtops YES!
They're all waiting exitedly for the fields of Pumpkins to ripen. They have to put Police on night duty to gaurd the Pumpkins.
I kid you not.

Naaa Jem... I hope they don't do the deed in the field! (not gone to bed yet..)
Wouldn't a marrow do Jem?

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it's midnight,,,I will turn into a pumpkin...

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