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Tinkling the ivories .....

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mrs.chappie | 22:04 Mon 13th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I love this piece of music ......

Would anyone else like to post one of their favourites?


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So many to choose from this is just one of many
ive just spent ages looking for the name of this and finally found it, its not my favourite but i really like it. :-)

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Thanks paddy & benny. x

Benny, I'd not heard that one before. Didn't like it at first, but it's growing on me. [:o)
It made me well up, I haven't heard this in years - thanks a million for posting :-)
Now see how you get on with this:
This is violin not piano but it's my favourite.... 8 minutes long though - but if you look closely you can see the conductor is André Previn (or Andrew Privet, according to Morecambe & Wise...)
Just been out taking Max for his walk, dodging the rain and thinking of this thread and I found myself whistling my mothers favorite song, she,s been gone nearly 30 years but every time I hear it I came see her as clear as day, in fact my first really clear memory is of her singing it
Yay! Andre preview !

Beautiful this one Mrs C. takes one back.......

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Well, I've listened to 'em all ..... and I still like mine the best. [:o)

Thanks for posting, folks. x
of course you do mrs.chappie it's YOUR favorite but its nice to listen to other peoples choices as well it reminds you of how much class music there is out there, what ever genre you're into,
Question Author
Very true paddy. (My post before this one was slightly tongue-in-cheek). [:o)

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Tinkling the ivories .....

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